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Leadership In Action Program Set for September

31 Jul 2023 8:00 AM | Anonymous

Leadership in Action is a series of experiences designed to enhance personal and professional leadership qualities within the unique resources of Paulding County. The sessions explore leadership challenges and opportunities, using class time and tours, to provide the participant with a variety of leadership skills to be used in real world application.

Why should you participate in our leadership program? Here's just a few possible reasons:
1) To improve your decision making, strategic vision, and problem-solving skills.
2) To build self-confidence, wisdom, and emotional intelligence.
3) To learn valuable skills and tools for leading and influencing others.
4) To surround yourself with other leaders and grow personally and professionally.

Class size is limited to 20 people, and the participants application must be approved in order to attend. The challenges, speakers, tours and the interaction of the participants provide an unforgettable journey in the quest for leadership. You can learn more at

Registration Deadline: August 18th, 2023

P.O. Box 237, Paulding, OH 45879

Paulding Area Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 

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